HUInc Health-Related Quality of Life Research

An Overview

What is the Health Utilities Index (HUIR)?
  • a system for measuring health status, health-related quality of life, and producing utility scores
  • generic, preference-scored, comprehensive, compact
  • based on explicit conceptual framework of health status and health-related quality of life
  • there are 3 versions of HUIR:
  • each version includes a health status classification system and formula for calculating utility scores
  • HUI2 describes 24,000 unique health states and HUI3 describes 972,000 unique health states
  • scoring formulas are well grounded in theory and based on preference data from community surveys
  • conceptual and measurement properties described in numerous papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and books
  • to date over 300 investigators have used HUIR in a wide variety of studies in over 20 countries world-wide
  • more than 300,000 subjects have been assessed using HUIR
  • available in more than 20 languages world-wide (see LANGUAGES for more details)R
  • available in traditional paper/pencil format suitable for self-administration, interviewer-administration (remote or face-to-face) and now in an internet web-based format (see Web-Based System for more details)R
Uses of HUIR
  • to measure health-related quality of life in clinical trials
  • to measure functional status in clinical studies
  • to measure outcomes for cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses
  • to measure health status for use in routine clinical practice and quality assurance programs
  • to describe and monitor the health of general populations
  • to investigate determinants of health
  • to substitute for complex direct preference measurements
HUIR Data Collection
  • use HUIR questionnaires to collect data on health status; code and analyze results according to algorithms documented by HUInc.
  • HUIR questionnaires and documentation are available in a variety of formats and languages for different applications including web-based administration
  • HUI2 and HUI3 systems are complementary
  • measures are appropriate for broad range of subjects (5 years of age and older). For ages:
    - 5-8 years, HUInc recommends a proxy-assess, self- or interviewer-administered version;
    - 8-12 years, the self-assess, interviewer-administered version;
    - 13+ years, self-assess, self- or interviewer-administered version.
    Contact HUInc personnel for more information about age appropriate HUI instruments.

Follow the links for detailed information on the HUI2 and HUI3 classification systems;
Selecting a Self- or Interviewer- or Web-based administration format;
Reviewing the Table of Contents/Introduction of the HUI Self-Complete Questionnaire manual;
Completing the on-line Application Form to contact the HUI Service Centre
    with your study-particulars and allow your HUInc representative help you
    choose the HUI instrument that meets your needs.

HUInc  Leaders in the Utility Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life
(R) HUI Registration:  USA 2660116, 2716082;  UK 2228611, 2228610;  CAN TMA544008, TMA550246.
HUI pages last updated - October 3, 2006
HUI Webpages designed and maintained by John R. Horsman
© Copyright HUInc 1999-2003. All rights reserved.