Have you already corresponded / talked with an HUI representative? No (Skip to "Contact Information") Wm (Bill) Furlong John Horsman David Feeny George Torrance Don't Know / Other (Please specify Who or Where):
Mailing address: (Company name) (Room / Bldg / Street) (Street) (City),(Prov/State) (Country),(Postal Code)
Courier address: Same as Mailing Address or... (Company name) (Room / Bldg / Street) (Street) (City),(Prov/State) (Country),(Postal Code)
Phone: FAX: Email (Required): URL:
Principle Investigator: Same as 'contact person' or... PI Name: Title/Position:
Study Design:
Number of Study Centres: Single Centre. Multi-Centre (Specify # of centres) .
Frequency of Assessment (eg. weekly, monthly, bi-annual, annually for ' x ' weeks, months, years...):
Recall period for assessment of health status
Assessment Viewpoint:
Mode of Administration (Check all that apply):
Language(s) in which HUI data will be collected:
Country(ies) in which HUI data will be collected:
Ages of subjects: Minimum(years) Maximum(years).
Type of Study Population:
Data Collection Method (Check all that apply):
Expected start date of data collection:(YYYY-MM-DD...Example:2000-06-11)
Study Duration. How long do you expect the study to last? (Time from 1st subject 'in' until last subject 'out')
Expected end date of data collection:(YYYY-MM-DD...Example:2003-09-04)
Comments or other information about the study that might be useful to the HUI Service Centre...
Have you used or been associated with another project that has used HUI instruments? No . Yes - Please give details (Optional, but will help keep our archives/bibliography/reference lists current) (Eg. Year, Project/Study name, Principal Investigators, Publications, or other information...)
Date of submission:(YYYY-MM-DD...Example:2000-03-24)
Thank you. Your application will be sent by email to the Research Coordinator at the HUInc Service Centre via (huinfo@healthutilities.com)
Date Received:. HUI representative: Date of Initial Reply: (YYYY-MM-DD)
Reply by ...
Email Email to address:
Letter Letter to whom:
Phone Phone number:
Fax Fax number:
HUI package HUI package to whom:
Meeting Meeting with whom: , Where:
Date of Initial Meeting: (YYYY-MM-DD)