HUInc Health-Related Quality of Life Research
User Licensing Agreement
1. Secrecy, Protection of Work and Intellectual Property Rights
Health Utilities Inc. (HUInc.) owns and shall retain copyright and all other intellectual property rights to all questionnaires, procedure manuals, coding algorithms and other technical information that it develops and distributes (the "information"). This information is not for public release and HUInc. retains the exclusive distribution rights to this information. The User will have no rights in and to the same. The User shall not in any way do anything to infringe upon, harm or contest the ownership or validity of the HUInc.'s copyright or intellectual property rights as described herein. The User shall promptly notify HUInc. in writing of any and all infringements or misuses of HUInc.'s copyright which come to a User's attention. The User shall co-operate with HUInc. to stop any such infringement.

All HUInc. technical documents, such as questionnaires and procedures manuals, used by the User will contain the following copyright notice:
     © Health Utilities Inc., Dundas ON Canada

The User will not divulge or disseminate HUInc. questionnaires, procedure manuals, coding algorithms or other technical information in whole or in part to any person outside a written licensing agreement.

2. Permission and Licensing Terms for Use of HUInc. Proprietary Materials and Information
Permission to use HUInc. proprietary materials (e.g., questionnaires and procedure manuals) and proprietary information (e.g., algorithms for converting sets of questionnaire responses into HUI attribute levels) is granted under license. These materials and information may be used only with written permission from HUInc. and under the terms of the license.

Permission for use of HUInc. proprietary materials and information is granted one project at a time, and the User will obtain permission in writing from an authorized representative of HUInc. to use or modify or distribute these materials or information.

HUInc. grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use its materials and information in one project. This license does not permit selling, distributing, commercially exploiting or making the materials or information available on a network or through remote access technology.

All reports and publications by the User will reference appropriate HUI-related background published manuscripts, and HUInc. questionnaires and procedures manuals, according to the usual rules of citation.

3. Disclaimer
While all due diligence and care has been taken in the preparation of all HUInc proprietary materials to ensure they are of the highest possible quality and mistake free, HUInc. provides such materials and information "as is". HUInc. provides materials and information "as is". HUInc. does not quarantee the materials and information nor provide warranties whatsoever, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Users assume the entire risk as to quality and performance of the materials and information. HUInc. does not guarantee or warrant its copyright in the materials and information provided to the Client. In no event shall HUInc. be liable for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or claims for loss of business or loss of profits, even if HUInc. shall have been advised of the possiblity of such potential loss or damage.

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HUInc  Leaders in the Utility Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life
(R) HUI Registration:  USA 2660116, 2716082;  UK 2228611, 2228610;  CAN TMA544008, TMA550246.
HUI pages last updated - November 15, 2005
HUI Webpages designed and maintained by John R. Horsman
© Copyright HUInc 1999-2003. All rights reserved.